terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011


For this assignment, we were to create an anaglyph 3D Animation or series of stills. So I used the photoshop to create my series of stills.
The first part is better to do, just choose the subjects that you want and take the two pictures of the same thing, from two different angle. The photoshop part was boring to do, but worth it when you the the result!
Some of them didn't come out as i thought it would, that's why i did so many (30 I think).
Well, as the assignment was asking for 5 images, here they are

The rest.

domingo, 22 de maio de 2011

Interactive Flash slider

To create this interactive flash slider was really easy,
Just follow the steps and done! ;)
I liked what I did!

Thematic Typography

After trying to do many different theme, i decided to make one based on the word FUR, for 2 special reasons: 1. there are many different furs, 2 it's a small word!
These result was achieved after trying a lot! I used the refine edges to get it like that, and I'm liked it that way! ^^

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

Radio Wave animation

In this assignment we were to create a radio Wave animation using Afterefects.
To do the animation that I did, doesn't need a lot of time, actually it was easy to do!
But if you want to create something like the this tutorial ( http://migre.me/4yJsn ) you will need a lot of patience and time,
but they are basicly the same thing!
I'm ok with what I did!

3D Still Life using 3D-Coat

For this assignment, we had to do a 3D Still Life using 3D-Coat.
I did what had to be done, but i really don't know when I will use it, but now, I at least know how to do it!
The apple that I painted was easy to be done, not too many things with different color!

segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011

Communication cards

For this assignment we should create 4 communication cards, using Illustrator or Photoshop, that matches to the phrases supplied. I used illustrator to create mine!
I tried to keep it as simple as I could, trying to pass the sentence that I had to pass.
That is what I did, (card with its respective phrase):
It is time for your appointment
Does it burn when you urinate?
Do you need medication?
I need to check your blood pressure
For me it's easy to see the idea that each card passes, maybe because I created it!
I hope everyone can easily see the message that I meant to pass!

Create a web page using a template

In this assignment we were to create a web page using a template of our choice!
So I downloaded this template:
on the freecsstemplates.org, and modified the things till I have this:
I know how hard it is to create a web page, all the exact size of the divs, images, fonts... but that way makes this job so much easier!
I'm glad with what I did! ^^

segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011

Online Photo Gallery

In the assignment 10 I supposed to create an online photo gallery using a premade sample!
I already had the Dreamweaver class, so it was pretty easy to do, but I think that for those who didn't had this class, this assignmet were not a nice thing to do!
I was glad with project, because i used a nice set of pictures! :)

Mini-brush set in both Illustrator and Photoshop

Illustrator cs5

Photoshop Cs5

In this assignment, we were to create a set of brushes in photoshop and illustrator!
Create a brush is as simple as use a brush! Learn how to create a brush is really important and can make our lives much easier when creating some kind of work in protoshop/illustrator
I wasn't so inspired when i was creating my brushs, but when the ideas come, I will know how to use this new skill that i learned!