segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2011


The last assignment for this class was to create a project using an online tutorial of my choice. So I choose this tutorial, because it uses illustrator and photoshop, and i liked what i was going to do!
First i did one with my name that didn't come out so good, then I did with my friend's name, i think this one looks better!
This tutorial gives a good idea of light, shadow and reflection that can be used in different projects.

What i did (second try):

Tutorial sample
First try (my name)

Card Dance

For this assignment, we had to create an animation using After Effects and Card Dance.
That's what I did. When I first saw what i was going to do, i had no idea that the 'dancing cards' was a panel made of different images!
It's a nice technique, and I liked my work. Liked even more after putting the song! ;)

terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011


For this assignment, we were to create an anaglyph 3D Animation or series of stills. So I used the photoshop to create my series of stills.
The first part is better to do, just choose the subjects that you want and take the two pictures of the same thing, from two different angle. The photoshop part was boring to do, but worth it when you the the result!
Some of them didn't come out as i thought it would, that's why i did so many (30 I think).
Well, as the assignment was asking for 5 images, here they are

The rest.

domingo, 22 de maio de 2011

Interactive Flash slider

To create this interactive flash slider was really easy,
Just follow the steps and done! ;)
I liked what I did!

Thematic Typography

After trying to do many different theme, i decided to make one based on the word FUR, for 2 special reasons: 1. there are many different furs, 2 it's a small word!
These result was achieved after trying a lot! I used the refine edges to get it like that, and I'm liked it that way! ^^

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

Radio Wave animation

In this assignment we were to create a radio Wave animation using Afterefects.
To do the animation that I did, doesn't need a lot of time, actually it was easy to do!
But if you want to create something like the this tutorial ( ) you will need a lot of patience and time,
but they are basicly the same thing!
I'm ok with what I did!

3D Still Life using 3D-Coat

For this assignment, we had to do a 3D Still Life using 3D-Coat.
I did what had to be done, but i really don't know when I will use it, but now, I at least know how to do it!
The apple that I painted was easy to be done, not too many things with different color!